Mags Thomas

Yoga instructor and Yoga Teacher Trainer

Getting her Yoga on

We helped Mags develop her Yoga courses for online consumption after the pandemic started. We developed a few courses since then and have also created promotional content to drive traffic to that source.

Mission Video

This video explains Maggie’s “Why”, what makes her heart beat and displays how she is different. Using her own voice-over she tells her story of what Yoga means to her and how she can help you to find the way to inner peace through her training.

Website HEaders

Using already shot content from her Brand Starter pack we were able to create this beautiful looping header that is displayed on her website. It helps to enhance her visual brand and lets you in on who Mags really is.


Course Content

Mags offers a unique Yoga learning experience that allows you to go at your own pace. She also offers enough content for you to get a lot of replay value from her courses. These are just short samples but her main courses are all available on her website.




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